CE 0550 - varAhamihira

  • “the Hindu encyclopedist varAhamihira, who was an acute observer, writing around 550 AD states that the spring equinox fell 10′ East of Zeta Piscium in revatI.” This is ashvinI-reavtI border.

Pañica Siddhāntika, III, 21 A
आश्लेषार्धाद् आदीद् यदा निवृत्तिः किलोष्णकिरणस्य। युक्तम् अयनं तदासीत् साम्प्रतम् अयनं पुनर्वसुतः॥

Translation : When the return of the sun towards the south (the summer solstice ) took place from. the middle of Aśleṣa, tbe ayana was right, at the present time ayana begins from Punarvasu.

Brhat-Samhitā, III, 1
आश्लेषार्धाद् दक्षिणम् उत्तरम् अयनं रवेर् धनिष्ठाद्यम् ।
नूनं कदाचिद् आसीद् येनोक्तं पूर्वशास्त्रेषु॥

साम्प्रतम् अयनं सवितुः कर्कटकाद्यं मृगादितश् चान्यत्।
उक्ताभावो विकृतिः प्रत्यक्ष-परिक्षणैर् व्यक्तिः ॥

Translation : The beginning of the southern motion when the sun has passed half of Aśleṣā and the beginning of the northern motion when the sun has passed the beginning of Dhaniṣthā, must have taken place at some epoch; for these are recorded in old treatises. He appeals to his readers to ascertain for themselves by actual observation which of the two positions of the solstices is the correct one.

ce-0499-12-20 revatI chitrA equinox makara-sankramaNa shroNa-10deg punarvasU solstice
ce-0499-12-20 revatI chitrA equinox makara-sankramaNa shroNa-10deg punarvasU solstice