BCE 1400 solistice at shraviShThArdha

  • Summer solistice at magha and winter solistice at shraviShTha (~ full moon at maghA)
  • मैत्रायणीयोपनिषदि - “द्वादशात्मकं वत्सरम्। एतस्याग्नेयमर्धम्, अर्धं वारुणं। मघाद्यं श्रविष्ठार्धमाग्नेयं क्रमेण, +उत्क्रमेण सार्पाद्यं श्रविष्ठार्धान्तं सौम्यम्” “solisticial points here are indicated as maghAdyam|sarpAdyam+++(=their boundary)+++ and shraviShTArdham. this would approximately correspond to ~1300 BCE marking a change from the earlier reference to solisticial point lying inside magha in AV nakShatrasUkta”[SD, MT_TW
  • Corresponds to equinox at bharaNI.