BCE 1000 - Summer solstice at AshreShA (shrAvaNa monsoons)

  • This also corresponds to shrAvaNI pUrNimA being around summer solstice (~ the time of Apastamba gRhya sUtra-s, see ayanAMshachayanam page).
  • “We have a text of the nagna nAstika-s, termed sUrya-praj~nApti, where the same system of calenderics as the VJ is expounded. But the jaina-s correct the winter solstice to shravaNa, suggesting that they were after the VJ in the period when you would actually expect the jaina-s to be around. Thus, we have a continuous system of precessional corrections even in the period around the VJ, leave alone the vedic antiquity.”
  • Vernal equinox was likely before actual ashvinI during taittirIya-AraNyaka period “नक्षत्राणि रूपम्, अश्विनौ व्यात्तम्” (MT1, आरण्यके ऽत्र)
    • “Here Nārāyaṇa is identified with the constellations even as Prajāpati was earlier identified with them in the ritual of the Nakṣatra-rūpin Prajāpati specified in the Yajurveda (Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa This identification continues through later Vaiṣṇava tradition. … The text is clearly a late one clinging to the edge of the Vaidika productions but when exactly was it composed. If one takes Aśvayujau to imply the start of the nakṣatra cycle having shifted to this asterism it would yield a date of around 2300 YBP. This date resonates with the white Indologists who ascribe late dates to all Vedic production. However, we do not think the mouth should be taken as the beginning of the nakṣatra cycle. Rather, that position is usually reserved for the top of the head. Hence, the mouth likely implies the nakṣatra after it which might imply the equinoctial coelure passing before Aśvayujau suggesting a date of around 3300-3000 YBP. (equinox at bharaNI)” MT1
bce-1100-01-14 bharaNI vishAkhA equinox dhaniShThA-6deg Ashlesha solstice
bce-1100-01-14 bharaNI vishAkhA equinox dhaniShThA-6deg Ashlesha solstice