२० अभिजित्



  • “However, its name meaning the all conquering is equivalent to the Iranian name for the same star Vanant. This suggests that it might have been an ancient association.”
  • “The Aitareya brāhmaṇa indicates that it was used to mark the day just before the svarasāman days during the annual sattra. Tilak we believe rightly realized this was the reason why Abhijit was important in the early period to mark this ritual day which in turn is critical for marking the days leading up to the Viśuvān day.”
  • “It is far away from the ecliptic and has been dropped even by the time of the mahAbhArata where indra mentions this to skanda in a cryptic legend. This probably was due to precession making it no longer suitable for marking the days for the specific abhijit ritual in the annual sattra. Since this was recorded in the bhArata itself, I believe it is evidence for the actual coeval use of the kRttikAdi system in early history before its precession by the time of the bhArata.”
  • " we have the great Ring Nebula M 57 which is one of the best planetary nebulae for a small scope. I have even managed it with my 20 x 70 binocs on good nights. The double-double (Epsilon Lyrae) NW of abhijit is a good wide multiple system for beginners. The globular cluster of M 56 is also a good sight at the lower part of the constellation."