०६ तिष्यः


γ, δ and θ Cancri इति केचित्। Praesepe open cluster (M44) इति केचित्।

  • Ṛgveda - यु॒ष्माद॑त्तस्य मरुतो विचेतसो रा॒यः स्या॑म र॒थ्यो॒३॒॑ वय॑स्वतः । न यो युच्छ॑ति ति॒ष्यो॒३॒॑ यथा॑ दि॒वो॒३॒॑ऽस्मे रा॑रन्त मरुतः सह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥
    • " The comparison of great riches, in thousands, is indicative of the great mass of stars in the open cluster supporting the identification of the old Tiṣya with M44."
  • “The name tiShya seems homologous to the Iranian tiShtrya. Today the Iranian asterism is equated with Sirius but there is a suspicion that this might have been secondary.”