Vedic tales

aruNa section of the AraNyaka of the taittirIya-s includes the yajuSh-es on which the famous subrahmaNya sAman inviting indra to the soma offering is based:

  • indra who appeared as a ram to medhAtithi kANva;
  • as a woman to vR^iShaNashva;
  • who prances like a gaur bull;
  • who became the lover of ahalyA;
  • who became a brAhmaNa of the kaushika clan;
  • who was called gautama.

The anindra tradition that engulfed later H though misinterpret the original meanings of these special exploits of the supreme god by which the R^itvik pleases indra with singing of the subrahmaNya sAman. The original vaidika tales go thus.

indra enjoyed the pleasure of both the female (becoming menA to vR^iShaNashva) and male (as the lover of ahalyA maitreyI). The later exploit may be interpreted in 2 ways.

  • As in the RV ahalyA is the unploughed field which indra fertilizes as in the sUkta for farming by vAmadeva gautama.
  • Or as the kauthuma tradition holds he became a brAhmaNa of the kaushika clan & became to lover of ahalyA maitreyI.
    • The jaiminIya tradition holds that as indra fought a battle with the asura-s the shruti was destroyed; hence, becoming a son of vishvAmitra he learned the shruti from the former to restore it: hence, kaushika brAhmaNa.
  • Finally, the jaiminIya tradition says that once when the deva-s & asura-s were advancing for battle indra that gautama was performing tapasya in the zone between where the armies of the two were stationed. Hence, indra asked gautama to become a spy for the deva-s & report about the asura movements. But gautama refused either because he did not want to be a combatant or break his tapasya. Hence, indra told him that he could continue and indra himself would instead take the form of gautama and spy on the asura-s. Hence, it is gautama bruvANa |

indra who is all this is then asked to come to soma offering with aruNAshva – the solar chariot – in the aruNaketuka-chayana. (^aruNAShva-s: the 8 vasu-s led by the god agni in the solar chariot.)