
As I’ve said many times here, sometimes drawing the howls of the dull-witted, the aindra system of the core RV is superior to others. That, unlike the late Vedic prAjApatya system, privileges kShatra spirit inspired by the fort-breaking god himself. The sUkta of apratiratha aindra or the gautama’s long string of gAyatrI-s starting with “nakirindra…” is largely more inspiring than a prAjApatya lesson.

Another is the teaching of indra. What is more inspiring than indra cutting down the likes of trishiras tvAShTra or hurling shambara off the mountain for his Arya votary, the atithigva. That spirit permeates old IE tradition: you see it in Thor, you see it in Zeus & even the Zoroastrian Iranians cannot pass verethraghana by.

Hence, I feel that inculcating the aindra pantheonic configuration from an early age might produce that kShatra spirit in people.

What about brahma +++(spirit)+++ then? some might ask. I’d say in this pantheon even brahma is war-like represented the brahma ectype of the indra: bR^ihaspati attacking the mountain strongholds of vala.