I am indra

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I am indra,
I made divodAsa triumph over his foes.
I handed over the vItahavyas to pratardana,
I gave sumitra a 1000 rods to slay dirghajihvI of a 1000 orifices.

I am indra,
the drinker of soma, without limit.
In the sumada of soma I slew namuchi with my vajra concealed in foam.

I am Indra,
the brahman known by R^ishis, the entire universe.
I slew kAlaka~njas, I crushed the paulomas and expelled them from existence.
I extirpated prahlAda’s brood and had my brother viShNu smash virochana.

I am indra,
praised by the bhR^igus and the a~ngiras who know the right path.
The might of my vajra no one has borne, when the mountains flew I brought them down.
The arurmaghas opposed me and I annihilated them without exception;
the yatis who derided my worship I gave away to hyaenas.

I am indra,
who cut off the 3 heads of trishira tvAshTra, the ritualist of the dAsas.
For the descendents of manu I slew the the arrogant dasyus and gave the world to the Aryas.

When the Aryas, arNa and chitraratha, bloated with pride opposed my worship I brought an end to them, on the banks of the sarayu.

I am indra,
who drunk 3 lakes of soma and through my might trasadasyu, the great son of purukutsa, conquered the forts of the dAsas of slurred speech.

My fatal arrows rained on the dAnavas from my infallible bow of variegated colors.
Thus did pipru, kuyava, suShNa and varchin meet their end when they opposed me in battle.

I am indra,
by whose might the valiant sudAsa triumphed over his foes on the banks of the the paruShNi and through my fury the unfettered vipAshA flowed, unstoppable.
sarasvati, vipAshA, paruShNi, sindhu, asikni, kUbhA, vitastA, sushomA, ga~NgA and yamunA swelled by me, raced, like mares on the race course, to the the ocean.

I am Indra,
who animating viShNu and the maruts put an end to vR^itra with my spear and vajra.
When rauhiNa tried to scale upwards towards heaven, I struck him with my dart and sent him to the wells of perdition.

I am Indra,
who shattered the 99 metal forts that stood on my path, and when animated in battle my roar is even heard by the deaf.

I have borne away the head of makha and sent dhuni and chumuri to nether regions.

indra is greater than all!